Diagnostic Imaging


Digital Radiography

With our racetrack background, the veterinarians at Finger Lakes Equine have taken tens of thousands of X-rays. We utilize portable Digital Radiography to produce the highest quality images to allow us to provide you with the most accurate information.

Digital Ultrasound

Radiographs are an incredible way to visualize boney structures, but they are not good for soft tissue, like tendons and ligaments. Ultrasound can provide us with the information we need to diagnose many conditions involving these structures. FLEP utilizes digital ultrasound to diagnose these soft tissue ailments.

Upper Airway Endoscopy

Our racetrack background again gives the vets at Finger Lakes Equine a huge amount of experience visualizing over 500 equine throats a year. If it happens in the horses throat, we’ve probably seen it and can likely fix it. See our surgery page for the throat surgeries we do.